News - Hero


Members of the Braidwood Area Healthy Community Coalition; (shown left to right) Pete Dell’Aquila, project coordinator, and Tim Ricketts, Reed-Custer High School’s principal as well as one of the coalition's initial founders; spoke about the local problem of teen drinking. The “Not My Kid” community awareness summit was held on Monday, May 19 in Reed-Custer Auditorium and attending by more than 30 members of the community. Together members and spokespersons discussed the legal and physical consequences of teen alcohol use and educated the attending public on how they can become a part of the problem’s solution during its first public summit. Ricketts explained that according to the Illinois Youth Survey, 33 percent of students at the local high school admit to the usage of alcohol, 25 percent of them report they do not have an adult to talk to and another 25 percent of them admitted to not having clear rules at home regarding drugs and alcohol.